It’s located in North Africa and on the Mediterranean shore. It is the 10th largest country in the world and the biggest in Africa. The population in the country stands at 40.4 million people, a 2016 estimate.
The Benefits of Doing Business report from the World Bank ranks Algeria 156 from 190 nations in 2017.
Types of Organizations in Algeria:
You should note that a Branch Office is banned by the Algerian government. In terms of the representative office, it’s not permitted to conduct any business in Algeria except for the management of the interests of the business and its subsidiaries.
Business in Collective Name (Société en Nom Collectif) – This is also called a partnership entity. It has to have a minimum of two spouses. There’s no minimum capital requirement.
Simple Limited Partnership (Société en Commandite Simple) – This can be a partnership company with two kinds of partners. One is called an Active partner who’s responsible for the running of the corporation. This partner can be jointly and severally responsible for all of the organization’s debts. The other spouse is a limited partner. As its title implies, this spouse’s debt liability is simply up to his/her shareholding in the firm. This individual doesn’t run the company and is sometimes called a ‘sleeping partner’.
The requirements for this company are that it needs to have a minimum paid up capital of 100,000 Algerian Dinars that’s divided into 1,000 Dinars per share.
If the share capital is more than USD 120,000, there’s absolutely not any need to have audited statements of their accounts.
Limited liability Uni-personal Business (Entreprise Uni-personelle a Responsabilite Limitee) – This is also called a sole proprietor company.
It must also have at least 1 shareholder and 1 director. If a foreign company is among its shareholders, it can only hold a maximum of 49% shares. The equilibrium 51% must be held by an Algerian. If the share capital is more than USD 120,000, there is no need to have audited statements of the accounts.
How to register an Algerian company
Below is the procedure of registering a business in Algeria:
- Check the availability and uniqueness of the company name in the Centre National du Commerce (CNRC) or The Industrial Registry.
- The business is also required to pick up the required registration forms.
- The applicant firm must then complete the form, list 4 proposed company names and pay the charges for the search.
- The Commercial Registry will then assess the title and issue the certificate on the same day. The cost for this procedure is 576 Dinars.
- In reality, the uniqueness of the company name could be assessed and registered online.
- The applicant company will find a deposit certification after doing this.
- The birth certificate of the supervisor has to be obtained and notarized.
- The provider’s constitution documents must be set up and notarized.
- These documents must then be filed together with a specimen of this supervisor’s signature.
- A copy of the rental for the office must also be submitted.
- All this is achieved in a notary’s office and there are a number of charges to be charged.
This must be carried out with the Tax Authority. After enrollment, the Tax Authority will issue a certificate of presence and a tax card within 2 to 5 times. This is the National Social Security and it is mainly for the provider’s employees.
Finally, you should make a company seal – The total cost of the seal will be dependent on the quality needed.Accounting books to be stamped in court The accounting and stock books have to be stamped in court. The price is 2,000 Dinars per publication of that there should be 4 in total.
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