With the increasing popularity of social media, every business has established a presence on at least one or two social networking sites. As these sites continue to grow in numbers and usage, many businesses are taking advantage of the easy communication available through the platforms. However, too much of anything is bad, and the same thing can be said with posting content on social media sites. 

The more posts that are added to any given site, the higher the chance of users being confused about what they should read or what is worth reading.

A lot of marketers do not understand that by just adding content to the site, it may get them more followers in the short run, but it does not mean they are getting more engagement in return. 

In fact, posting too much content on social media sites can actually have a reverse effect on what is intended.

When you post too much content on social media, your followers and fans do not have the chance to interact with your website pages. 

With too much of a good thing, many site visitors leave your page without even exploring a little further because they are overloaded by too much information. This often interferes with other businesses who use the same social media platforms. 

If a business has too much content on one platform, their posts will often appear unrelated to your own brand. Instead of enjoying an increasing follower base, you are risking the chance for your account to be blocked by Facebook or Twitter for spamming.

Too much content can distract your audience.

Since social media sites provide a platform for people to stay connected with each other, it is important to share interesting and relevant content so that more users will follow your site. However, posting too much content can end up distracting them from the real purpose of following you.

For instance, if you offer digital marketing services, your Facebook followers may not be interested in the details of your company’s board meeting that you posted on their newsfeed. If you are a brand or business owner posting too much about yourself and forget to give useful tips, advice or inspiring quotes to enrich users’ lives, then your popularity might start to fade.

The same can be said when you start to post too much content in your blog. Your readers may stop reading through the entire article and just skim through it while looking for interesting things that are related to the topic. 

If they find nothing, they will soon close the web page without even referring back to your site again. Thus, your statistics can start to go down as well.

Posting too much content on social media significantly reduces the value of your posts. 

With hundreds of posts flooding the news feeds, your page is susceptible to being ignored by users who want to look at specific information and not just surveys and pictures of random items. Always aim for quality over quantity when it comes to social media updates, as this will have a greater impact on your business’s bottom line.

It can even damage your business’s reputation and popularity. Your following may grow, but you will lose fans who become frustrated with the amount of posts flooding their news feeds. If this continues over a long period of time, your business will begin to gain negative attention from other users who feel overwhelmed by your posts.


It is obvious that you want people to like and repost what you have posted on social media sites. However, people will not like everything that you post. It is because each and every message that you share has a purpose of its own. If you post too much content on a social media site, some people may think that they are supposed to re-post it no matter how irrelevant it is to them. 

In other words, your followers might feel obliged to do so without giving their consent or even reading your updates. 

On the other hand, you may send confusing messages to your followers or get negative reviews from the public. That’s because they think that you are just trying to be popular and do not really care about them.

If you want people to like what you have posted on Facebook, then limit its content to one picture or video plus a few sentences that will not send the wrong message.

Too much content may make you lose your followers.

One of the reasons why people choose to follow your profile or page in social media sites is that they are interested in what you have posted on there. If your followers see too much content when they visit your site or read about irrelevant things from you, then they will soon lose interest to continue following you.

The same thing can happen when you post too much content on your blog and social media sites at the same time. If you spread your attention in various social media sites, then people may feel that they are no longer receiving quality content on one site. Most of them can choose to unfollow or stop following you.

Therefore, if you want to avoid losing followers or clients due to posting too much content on your social media sites, then prioritize one site and devote more resources on improving its contents in order to ensure that it is interesting and relevant. 

Final Thoughts

Regardless of which social media sites you use most frequently, the cardinal rule for all social media posting is to continuously post high-quality material. Regular sharing keeps your present followers engaged and increases your chances of being discovered by new, interested customers.

The other important term here is “quality.”

The majority of content experts agree that focusing on quality rather than quantity is more vital. It’s also critical to maintain that level of quality by posting on a regular basis. It only takes one poor-quality post to lose followers or drive visitors away from your website. It’s important to remember that every single post should adhere to the same high quality standards. You’re only as good as your last post in this sense. 

Utilization of digital marketing services, metric tools and analytics is also advised by most experts to gauge how well your message reaches your intended audience.

It may take multiple posting and analyzing rounds before you find the appropriate balance for your posted content. However, once you’ve found the sweet spot, it’ll be well worth it. When you establish the perfect rhythm for posting via emails, blogs, and social media, you may find that posting less is giving you far more results.
