Cyber threats are constantly evolving. It seems that hackers & cybercriminals continue to find new and innovative methods to attack businesses. Almost every other industry has been impacted by hacking attempts and cybercrimes. One of the common types of cyberattack is a backdoor attack. A backdoor is exactly what is sounds like – When a hacker gains unauthorized access to networks, systems, or devices, with the intention of causing harm. Companies have faced all kinds of backdoor attacks, from getting cameras hacked to ransomware infections.
In this post, we are discussing backdoor attacks, and how your company can better.
Knowing backdoors better
A considerable number of backdoor attacks are related to malware, but backdoors are not always created for misuse. Companies often need backdoors, to grant access to security experts, employees, and customers, in case sensitive login information is lost. However, in case of cybercriminals, backdoors are misused in various ways. Hackers often trick employees and users into installing a malicious program, typically trojans, which come off as genuine software. Once the user grants admin access, hackers may use the backdoor to steal data, for spying, to launch further malware attacks, to encrypt data, or often to cause ransomware attacks.
Why are backdoor attacks a matter of concern?
Businesses need to worry about backdoor attacks, because these are hard to detect. Users often don’t suspect a program to be a malware, and by the time details are found, the damage is already done. Also, backdoor attacks are often disguised, so unless network is scanned and tested for, it’s difficult to take a stand.
The prevention roadmap
If your company really wants to prevent backdoor attacks, it’s important to be proactive. Train your people to know about the possible malware threats, ensure that scheduled scans are done for networks and IT environments from time to time, and where required, consider engaging the security community. Sometimes, it is hard to be critical of your security measures, so you may consider hiring ethical hackers, or running a bug bounty programs, so that possible security flaws and vulnerabilities are detected in time. Also, protect all networked devices by placing them behind firewalls, and where required, consider using network segmentation.
Final word
It’s important to also have a plan for managing a backdoor attack, if detected. The first step is to disconnect and alienate the device or network, and informing people within the organization about the compromise.