Bitcoins have become one of the hottest topics of 2020. Every European country is into bitcoins and cryptocurrencies. Many countries are trying to develop a larger bitcoin market and exchange system. Talking about a rigid regulating structure, it is not yet developed. Many exchanges in the Netherlands will offer you bitcoins. It would help if you were extra cautious by taking any decision. Due to Bitcoin Evolution Online Netherlands, there has been an increase in its popularity. Let’s take a look at some reliable sources of buying Bitcoins in the Netherlands.

  • Coinmama

You would find this exchange very underrated. This is one of the most reliable sources of buying Bitcoins in the Netherlands. You can buy Bitcoins with this exchange in almost every country in this world. Due to its accurate service, this has become very popular and reliable. You would have to pay 5% for each bitcoin purchase, which is quite usual. You will also receive further discounts while buying with coinmama. One of the major pros is that this exchange is trusted all over the globe. You do not have to worry about frauds and thefts while dealing with Coinmama. To sum up all, you can count on this exchange for buying Bitcoins in the Netherlands.


This exchange will make your purchase process look effortless. You can buy Bitcoins in almost every country. There are many facilities which this exchange offers. First of all, you can buy bitcoins from your credit card. This increases flexibility while buying Bitcoins. Sepa and Astropay are also some noteworthy options for you to pay online. This exchange works in the USA and other European countries. You can buy it from there and travel anywhere you can get as per the rate. The plus point is that you have to pay 0.5% as a trading fee. This is one of the cheapest exchanges in the world. It is quite reliable and trusted all over the globe.

  • Coinbase

Well, you would have heard about this exchange. It is one of the popular exchanges for you to buy Bitcoins. This is one of the largest trading hubs in the world. You can purchase Bitcoins from over 30 countries. Sepa and card facilities are available for you to purchase Bitcoins through this exchange. There are many discounts available for you if you are regular with Coinbase. It is one of the easiest ways to enter the cryptocurrency scene. To sum up all, you should check out this exchange without fail.

  • Luno

Luno is one of the oldest in this field. The goodwill which this exchange carries with itself is huge and very useful. You can rely on this exchange blindfolded. Luna charges a very low amount of trading fees. You can purchase bitcoins in Europe from Luno. Due to its easy access, you can purchase Bitcoins easily. Luno offers free deposits with high flexibility. Your additional cost is avoided if you deal with this exchange. Also, there is no charge on withdrawal with this exchange.

We hope that this article will provide you the necessary data needed.
