For many families in the UAE, finding the correct sort of assistance is a critical choice. If you don’t have the necessary resources, hiring a maid may be a tough and time-consuming procedure. Here’s a handy guide on sponsoring a nanny or maid in Dubai that might help you sort out some of the details.
What are the steps to sponsoring a maid visa?
The processes for sponsoring a housemaid or nanny in Dubai are the same. If you’re interested in sponsoring a maid in Dubai, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.
Be aware of the rules for sponsoring a maid in Dubai.
The first step in learning how to sponsor a maid in Dubai is to become familiar with all of the laws and regulations that apply to the procedure. It is a significant duty, and the process will necessitate a significant financial commitment.
You will be responsible for his or her compensation and other perks as the person who hires, often known as the sponsor. This is why it is essential to understand the rules governing the hiring of a maid in Dubai, as well as the contract requirements that must be met. The person you want to sponsor must have a maid visa Dubai to be able to work without any hassles.
Choose whether to hire a housemaid through an agency or on your own.
Another crucial step in answering the issue of how to bring a maid/nanny to Dubai is deciding whether you want to complete the procedure on your own or employ an outside organisation to assist you. Both methods are quite simple; nevertheless, each approach has its own set of expenses and length that must be considered.
Start The Process Of Having The Maid Come To Dubai.
Once you’ve decided on a candidate and have all of their paperwork in order, you can start the process of getting them to Dubai. It may be done at any Centre in the UAE or online at the GDRFA website.
The following are the processes for obtaining a maid visa in Dubai. This method for sponsoring a maid in Dubai must be completed in the sequence shown below.
The steps taken by the sponsor to issue a UAE housemaid visa
- To enter the nation, apply for a maid’s work permit and get the Dubai work visa.
- The sponsor will need to get a Medical Fitness Report and apply for the Emirates ID once the maid arrives in the UAE.
- Fill out an application for a residency stamp in the maid’s passport.
- Issue the sponsor with a Domestic Worker Card and the maid with an Emirates ID.
Make sure your documents are in order.
Whether you hire a maid through an agency or on your own, you must submit specific paperwork in order to meet the requirements for sponsoring a maid in Dubai. The following is a list of paperwork needed to sponsor a nanny or housemaid in Dubai.
Sponsoring a housemaid in Dubai necessitates the submission of certain documents. The sponsor must provide the following papers to the General Directorate of Residence and Foreigners Affairs – Dubai when applying for a residency permit for the maid (GDRFA).
- An authorised typing service typed the visa application form.
- If the maid is from the same nation, an affidavit of non-relationship from the embassy or consulate is required.
- Copies of the sponsor’s passport and visa, as well as the maid’s
- Photographs of the sponsor and the maid in their passports
- Sponsor’s bank statement for the last three months
Once you’ve completed everything, you’ll need to submit a renewal application along with an online medical request form, which may be completed by an authorised typist. Now that you are well aware about the concept and rules, it is a good idea to go ahead and sponsor one.