Patient safety and well-being are the topmost priority during clinical trials. And as the shift to decentralized clinical trials is well underway, the focus remains around patient engagement and monitoring along with data quality and reliability and quality. Even then, ways of collecting data vary and keep changing, however, the research and trials regulatory standards remain the same. This in turn affects the data reliability and quality raising some concerns about its integrity. Luckily, implementing a clinical trial design can help you answer questions on how different Veristat regulatory practices can address trials issues as they arise. The pandemic brought up queries about the best practices and clarifications on guidance when conducting clinical trials on medical products during oncological trials. Fortunately, there are some ways you can successfully implement decentralized clinical trials which include;
Get all stakeholders involved
During the transition, sponsors and patients will want to be involved in all processes. That’s because it’s their money and health on the line. During the clinical trial planning, all stakeholders’ main concerns will be transparency and control. Although patients appreciate the comfort of a flexible off-site visit, they also worry. This is because they have mixed reactions to the received level of care offered during the trial stages. To successfully get the best results, it’s important to shift their thinking. Since it’s not easy to move from the traditional proceedings to the decentralized one, you will require all the support you can get. This can be achieved through proper considerations of the needs and expectations of your stakeholders and anyone involved to be addressed. As you do this, make sure that patient safety and data quality are given priority.
Know about technology limitations and opportunities involved
Oncological clinical trials rely on a wide range of different technologies both digital and analog. Such technologies help researchers collect data effectively and safely from respective study participants. By using these technologies you address the complexity required during processing and planning stages to get the right and accurate data. Today you’ll come across wearable devices and phone applications that help collect the required data onto your servers. That increases patient convenience as well as reduces the need for source data verification. Tapping into this knowledge offers you an effective way of collecting data from different test participants.
Follow appropriate procedures and training
It is challenging to shift from using one trial design to another one. The new clinical trials processes come with lots of new learning experiences. That’s where training comes in since it comes with different concepts. The learning for associated teams, from doctors to patients to caregivers and even sponsors is a challenge in itself. To tackle this, you have to manage a clear and effective way of training the parties involved. This in turn boosts the speed and confidence of transitioning when the need arises. Following the right channels when doing these training will result in running smooth trials and reducing trial mistakes.
By adhering to these ways will give you some of the best results. That’s crucial, especially when you want to run successful decentralized clinical trials.