It can be used for all plants (except bamboo) as long as the branches are not larger than a pencil. If you pass larger branches, you may stuff your machine, or even break it if you really put large branches or hard wood.
But what is this machine?
A lawn mower
And yes when we don’t have a lot of size waste, we put it in swaths all along my lawn and we pass and pass the mower over it until it has swallowed everything, shredded we should say. By redoing the swath 2 or 3 times, the mower finished to grind almost everything.
Sometimes there are branches that she does not want because it is too difficult to catch. No need to insist anymore, put them in a heap in a corner of your garden, they will end up rotting on their own and can even serve as shelters for auxiliaries. For épandeur composte Ecolawn the options are open now.
Uncrushed branch remains
Look at the result in my mower bin.
Branches crushed by mower
There is more than putting that in the compost or using it as mulch at the feet of your plants.
And you, do you have a grinder?
Mowing waste, pruning waste, dead leaves, green waste is the primary contribution to recycling centers in Grand Poitiers. However, this waste can be very useful in the garden: it prevents the growth of unwanted weeds, reduces the need for watering and enriches the soil. Simple and natural techniques exist to transform this waste into real resources.
Crushing: manually, with a mower or using a suitable device, crushing plants with a view to reusing them in the garden has many advantages, it fertilizes the soil by creating natural fertilizers (humus, compost), protects plants in winter and summer, limits soil leaching and the appearance of unwanted weeds.
Composting: branches, branches and twigs are woody materials rich in carbon. Well ground and well mixed with other organic household waste (peelings, leftover meals), they provide the elements necessary for the correct composting process.
Mulching: covering the soil with a natural or artificial element. Reusing the crushed green waste makes it possible to mulch flowerbeds, vegetable plots, trees and shrubs in the garden.
BRF (Raméal Fragmented Wood): it is a mulch made up of crushed green and fresh branches. It is initially deposited on the ground surface, then after several months, possibly incorporated into the first five centimeters of the ground. It will thus regenerate the soil and support the creation of humus. It can be used everywhere at home: vegetable garden, ornamental garden, trees, hedges, etc.
- The benefits of these techniques
- Use tools already present at home.
- Promote biodiversity and small soil animals.
- Protect and nourish soils and vegetation.
- Gardening in connection with nature while preserving the environment.
- Avoid regrowth of unwanted plants.
- Reduce watering.
- Save fertilizer.
- Save travel, fuel and time (fewer trips to recycling center).
Nothing is lost, everything is transformed
Mowing waste
It is carried out with suitable equipment (kit or mulching or mulching mower) which first cuts the grass by the ends before reducing it into fine particles, which are then ejected on the ground. A good mulching, with a uniform distribution of mowing waste, is not seen. Mulching naturally enriches the soil and reduces the need for watering.